Do you need a market study?
Our team will get back to you to start working on your needs.
Get in touch / get a quoteThe results of the market study will allow you to evaluate your business potential and define your next steps in setting up a subsidiary or a commercial activity.
Our research work is organised around several axes:
Validate the business opportunity and the offer of your company. Adapt your positioning. Define the implementation strategy. Build a Business Plan. Minimise financial risks.
Our team will undertake the market study in 10 to 15 days depending on the level of information required.
Provide field information and deliver a full report including a full analysis of the data collected and recommendations to enter the market.
La FNZCCI est un opérateur agréé pour le Chèque Relance Export.
Le Chèque Relance Export prend en charge 50 %, dans la limite d’un plafond, des dépenses éligibles (hors taxes, avec un plancher de valeur de 500 euros) d’une prestation d’accompagnement à l’international, y compris digitalisée, pour les PME et ETI françaises. C'est un véritable coup de pouce pour des solutions allant de la préparation en France jusqu’à la prospection sur des marchés étrangers.
Our team will get back to you to start working on your needs.
Get in touch / get a quote