Key contacts identification

Organise your prospection around qualified contacts

In New Zealand, we know that it can be difficult to obtain key contacts within a company. We help you get around this difficulty.


Description of the service

  • We build a database following specific criteria: sector of activity, functions, etc.
  • We use trusted sources and databases: members, federations, associations, local institutions.
  • Our project manager validates each contact so that companies can quickly enter into business relationships with their future partners / customers.
  • We provide a personalised introduction of qualified contacts.


Save time, work on a qualified contacts database.

Completion deadlines

Our team can realise this mission within 3 to 5 days.

Our engagements

In a few days, the company will have a database that will allow them to quickly launch their commercial prospecting. The FNZCCI will also organise and partake in the meetings with the qualified contact to facilitate the discussions.

Financement - Chèque Relance Export (CRE)

La FNZCCI est un opérateur agréé pour le Chèque Relance Export.

Le Chèque Relance Export prend en charge 50 %, dans la limite d’un plafond, des dépenses éligibles (hors taxes, avec un plancher de valeur de 500 euros) d’une prestation d’accompagnement à l’international, y compris digitalisée, pour les PME et ETI françaises. C'est un véritable coup de pouce pour des solutions allant de la préparation en France jusqu’à la prospection sur des marchés étrangers.

Plaquette descriptive Prestations éligibles

Do you need help in identifying key contacts?

Our team will get back to you to start working on your needs.

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