Networking • Meeting & Exchange Responsabilité Sociétale des entreprises • Energie & Environnement
Climate Drinks with Team For The Planet (Auckland)
Welcome to the first Climate Drinks of 2025!
Kick off the year by connecting with Auckland’s climate-conscious community at our upcoming Climate Drinks, hosted by Team for the Planet's New Zealand-based community.
Whether you’re passionate about sustainability, curious about climate action, or just looking to network with like-minded individuals, this free event is for you. Supported by the FNZCCI Climate and Sustainability Committee, this event is open to everyone eager to make a difference.
Welcome, introduction & update | Frederik CORNU, New Zealand Planet Leader of Team for the Planet, will welcome attendees, give a short presentation on Team for the Planet, and an update about its global activities. |
Presentation | Ms. Sarah Lund, Director of international collaborations and strategic sustainability initiatives at Klimatorium will present: “Engaging Youth - and other generations: a call to climate action”: |
This is a free event. Please register online.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Curious about Team for the Planet? Team for the Planet is a not-for-profit organisation raising $1 Billion to finance 100 companies who reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions on a global scale. Through the power of collective actions, Team for the Planet is rolling out 100 Open Source innovations capable of massively decarbonizing the economy. So far, NZ$55 million have been raised globally, 12 companies have been financed (on the 1,415 innovations assessed), and 120,000 shareholders have joined, here in Aotearoa New Zealand and in 100 other countries.