Darek KoperAT Metro Decarbonisation Manager, Auckland Transport

Darek is leading the decarbonisation of Auckland’s public transport services to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He has 14 years’ experience in various roles in the transportation industry.
Darek is leading Auckland Transport’s transition to zero emission bus fleet known as Auckland’s Low Emission Bus Roadmap. Auckland’s Low Emission Bus Roadmap was a finalist for the Low Carbon Future Award at the 2021 New Zealand Energy Excellence Awards.
Darek collaborates with private bus operators to facilitate greater understanding of the benefits of moving to zero emission fleet and plays a key role in the development of supply chain to support the transition from diesel to electric and hydrogen fuel cell buses and ferries, their management, operations and charging infrastructure. He is also chairing the New Zealand Low Emission Bus Working Group tasked with overcoming challenges and removing barriers to earlier adoption of zero emission buses in New Zealand.