Our Partners in French Pacific Territories


The CCISM is committed to represent the interests of the 22 000 companies of Polynesia with the authorities, to accompany them in their administrative procedures, to promote the professional training of business leaders and employees. It also aims to study, design, animate, develop the public space to promote economic activity.

La CCISM s'engage à représenter auprès des pouvoirs publics les intérêts des 22 000 entreprises de Polynésie, à les accompagner dans leurs démarches administratives, à favoriser la formation professionnelle des chefs d’entreprise et des salariés. Elle a également pour vocation d'étudier, concevoir, animer, développer l’espace public pour favoriser l'activité économique.

NCT&I - New Caledonia Trade & Invest

Created in March 2015, the AVEX (Avenir Export) / NCT&I (New Caledonia Trade and Invest) cluster is a private association dedicated to supporting New Caledonian companies in their development of international export. The cluster was the result of New Caledonian business owners’ strong willingness to export their products and services while pooling their resources and strengths through shared entities able to initiate a dynamic.

Website: https://www.ncti.nc/en/

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